Dencukaay:Wikipedia Template editor icon (1).svg

Dencukaay bi mu bàyyikoo (Dencukaay SVG, kem bu jaadu 200 × 200 pixel, dayoo dencukaay bi: 139 kio)

Dencukaay bii Wikimedia Commons la bàyyikoo te man nañu koo jëfandikoo ci yeneen sémb. Faramfacce gi ci xëtu faramfaccewaayu xët wi lañuy wone ci suuf .


English: Potential Template editor icon

Created in Inkscape based on Wikipedia Globe for use as user right icon

(Njëfandikoowaatu bii dencukaay)
™ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Ce fichier est (ou inclut) un des logos officiels ou des dessins utilisés par la Fondation Wikimedia ou par l'un de ses projets. L'utilisation des logos Wikimedia et des marques déposées est sujette à la politique de marque Wikimedia et aux lignes directrices d'identités visuelles, et peuvent nécessiter une permission expresse écrite avant utilisation.

Ce bandeau n’indique rien sur le statut de l’œuvre au regard du droit d'auteur. Un bandeau de droit d’auteur est requis. Voir Commons:À propos des licences pour plus d’informations. 

w:fr:Creative Commons
Moomale Séeddoo ci gii anamam
Jàppandeeb bii dencukaay a ngi aju ci sañal gu Creative Commons Féetale-Séddoo ci gennug anam 3.0 Unported
Féeg nga ci:
  • séddoo – duppi, séddale ak yónnee bile liggéey.
  • soppi – soppi liggéey bi
Ci kaw yii anam:
  • Moomale – Fàww nga joxe ay xibaar yu leer ñeel boroom, joxe ab lëkkalekaay buy jëme ci sañal gi te wax ndax def nga ciy coppite. Man nga koo def ci anam yu bari, ba mu des ci guy wund ne aji-moom ji dafa ànd ak yaw walla ànd na ci ninga koy jëfandikoo)
  • Séeddoo ci gii anamam – Soo soppee walla nga defar leneen te sukkadiku ci bii liggéey, faww nga siiwal ko ci genn sañal gi walla geneen gum méngool
SVG information
Le code de ce fichier SVG est valide.
Cette icône a été créée avec Inkscape.

Anami Jëfandikoo gi

GNU head Sañalees na duppi, séddale ak/walla soppi bile liggéey ci anami GNU Free Documentation License, Sumb 1.2 walla bépp sumb buFree Software Foundation mujjee siiwal; bu amul benn pàcc bees manul soppi, te amul it menn mbind ci xët wu njëkk week wu mujj wi. Ab sotti bu sañal gi jàppandi na ci pàcc bees duppee GNU Free Documentation License.
w:fr:Creative Commons
Moomale Séeddoo ci gii anamam
Jàppandeeb bii dencukaay a ngi aju ci sañal gu Creative Commons Féetale-Séddoo ci gennug anam 3.0 Unported
Féeg nga ci:
  • séddoo – duppi, séddale ak yónnee bile liggéey.
  • soppi – soppi liggéey bi
Ci kaw yii anam:
  • Moomale – Fàww nga joxe ay xibaar yu leer ñeel boroom, joxe ab lëkkalekaay buy jëme ci sañal gi te wax ndax def nga ciy coppite. Man nga koo def ci anam yu bari, ba mu des ci guy wund ne aji-moom ji dafa ànd ak yaw walla ànd na ci ninga koy jëfandikoo)
  • Séeddoo ci gii anamam – Soo soppee walla nga defar leneen te sukkadiku ci bii liggéey, faww nga siiwal ko ci genn sañal gi walla geneen gum méngool


Ce bandeau de licence a été ajouté à ce fichier dans le cadre de la procédure de mise à jour des licences des images sous GFDL.

Journal des téléversements d’origine

Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons using For the Common Good.

The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.
Taariix ak Waxtu Dayoo Jëfandikukat Saraa
05:38, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (242,462 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) and back to black...
05:38, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (283,970 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) and the fixed blue
05:31, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (242,462 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) this should work - too big file size - will optimise later
05:29, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (97,817 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) thought so - bugger
05:28, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (154,186 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) try this - may fail on rsvg render - testing
05:18, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (97,817 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) oops - dropped a layer - I'll fix it in a minute
04:57, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (202,070 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) and here's yours, cropped the same
04:56, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (221,278 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) what's buggering you up isn't notional size - it's space around the elements. Here's one positioned per Reviewer.svg
04:33, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (97,817 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) black original 200px
04:32, 18 October 2013 200 × 200 (108,850 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) blue 200px
03:34, 18 October 2013 125 × 125 (137,971 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) Reverted to version as of 01:22, 18 October 2013
03:34, 18 October 2013 125 × 125 (107,511 bytes) w:en:Begoon (waxtaan | cëru) just for fun - use if you like - ignore if you don't
01:22, 18 October 2013 125 × 125 (137,971 bytes) w:en:Equazcion (waxtaan | cëru) attempt to fix
00:15, 18 October 2013 125 × 125 (132,053 bytes) w:en:Technical 13 (waxtaan | cëru) Try, try again...
23:24, 17 October 2013 125 × 125 (224,720 bytes) w:en:Technical 13 (waxtaan | cëru) Second attempt, image looks great in Inkscape, but isn't saving or uploading the same as what I see in Inkscape. :(
23:20, 17 October 2013 125 × 125 (222,091 bytes) w:en:Technical 13 (waxtaan | cëru) Uploading a self-made file using [[Wikipedia:File_Upload_Wizard|File Upload Wizard]]


Ajoutez en une ligne la description de ce que représente ce fichier
Icon of the template editor user group

Éléments décrits dans ce fichier

dépeint Farañse

17 Oktoobar 2013

type MIME Farañse


Jaar-jaaru dencukaay bi

Cuqal cib taariix/waxtu ngir gis ni dencukaay bi meloon ca jamono jooju.

(Cëru yi mujjCëru yi njëkk) Xool (10 yi gën a yees) (102050100250500).
Taariix ak WaxtuTuutalDayooJëfandikukatSaraa
teew12 Nowembar 2022 à 14:00Tuutal gu sumb bu 12 Nowembar 2022 à 14:00200 × 200 (139 kio)Smasongarrisonslimmed down with svgomg // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28200 × 200 (237 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Reverting to most recent version before archival
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28200 × 200 (277 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 05:38:10 by Begoon
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28200 × 200 (151 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 05:28:49 by Begoon
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28200 × 200 (197 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 04:57:27 by Begoon
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:28200 × 200 (216 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 04:56:25 by Begoon
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27200 × 200 (96 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 04:33:19 by Begoon
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27200 × 200 (106 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 04:32:30 by Begoon
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27125 × 125 (105 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 03:34:05 by Begoon
18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27Tuutal gu sumb bu 18 Oktoobar 2013 à 14:27125 × 125 (135 kio)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2013-10-18 01:22:23 by Equazcion
(Cëru yi mujjCëru yi njëkk) Xool (10 yi gën a yees) (102050100250500).

Amul wenn xët wuy jëfandikoo bii dencukaay.

Fépp fees jëfandikoo dencukaay bi

Yeneen wiki yiy toftal dañuy jëfandikoo itam bii dencukaay:

Wone njëfandikoo gu daj gu bii dencukaay.
